
Global Recognition
BFPA, a global SRH leader, garnered acclaim, winning the 2006 West Wind Award for advocating women's rights. Recognized in 2017 for addressing adolescent pregnancy and sexuality education, and in 2019 for culturally sensitive Sexuality Education.
The Executive Director, honoured by the Clara Lionel Foundation in June 2023 as their leader of the month.
The BFPA actively contributes to health decision-making at the national , regional and global level solidifying BFPA's influence on a global scale.
We are also ahead of our global commitment of 10 years of half a million services since the Nairobi Summit with 218,000 services provided in 3 years.

NEw Location
The BFPA has moved in to a new state of the Art Location with the following client amenities.​
Modern exam rooms with more space​
New modern surgical suite with negative ion air conditioner
Spacious waiting area with entertainment amenities.
More spacious covered and uncovered parking
24 Hour Camera and Roving Security
72 Hour Generator
Disabled Parking and Disabled Supportive bathrooms
Conference and Training Room

Services Delivered
Despite extrmely challenging circumstances in the post-COVID19 ear coupled with 9 fires by the 31st of June 2023 and an unplanned relocation the BFPA was abled to provide 67, 656 services. Our gynaecological and STI services were leading the number of services provided by the BFPA in another fire challenged year. With the new location the fire challenges will be a thing of the past.

Client Satisfaction
The following are the findings of our ongoing client satisfaction report .
We are rated 4.6 out of 4 stars from our clients.
9 out of 10 clients would return to the BFPA for services.
8 out of 10 clients would return for services.
Our greatest negative concern from our clients was that of waiting time. Our highly empathetic model makes us value the care of each client no matter now long it takes.

Opening of New Location
New Surgical Suite
New Anesthetic Machine
New Ultrasound Machine
New Board Duly elected in 2023
Appointment of Sonya Alleyne of Deputy Director and CFO
We have begun the digitisation of all records
Expansion mental wellness support
Restarting of our regular Youth Meetings
Pediatric and Adolescent Clinic Coming soon

Youth Services
The BFPA was able to provided 8549 services to it clients age 25 and under. Current legislation restricts what can be accessed by a child under 18 with parental consent. The greatest concern is that they are many who which to access healthcare given some of the circumstances that they are in.

Services delivered
BFPA continued its work with women and girls and through its clinics and community outreaches we provided 55,766 services in what was a relatively slow and difficult year.

mEN & boys
They were 11, 880 services provided to men and boys the BFPA is seeking to rejuvenate its male clinic since it was disproportionately impacted by COVID19 with us seeing our lowest male clinic attendance yet. The BFPA with its partners are seeking in 2024 to reimpose its male clinic as the pinnacle male dedicated clinic on island.

VUlnerable GROUPS
In it accomplishing it mission and vision the BFPA has uniquely placed itself in a position where persons with various vulnerabilities: age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sex, social class or any conceivable difference feel comfortable coming through its highly stigma and discriminatory free doors. It is too this end that we do send longer with each and every client. We take the time to identify and address their needs.

The BFPA has had and continues to have solid, honest, and mutually beneficial partnerships at the global, regional, and national level.
The BFPA's greatest major partner must be the Government of Barbados whether it be primarily the Ministry of Health and Wellness or other Ministries, as well as several state own agencies. Many other Non- Governmental Partners at the national level, Regional Partners such as PANCAP, CPDC or IPPF Americas and Caribbean Regional Office.
The BFPA, a small organization has successive partnerships globally with IPPF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, the EU and many more.